Sunday, February 17, 2013

The Big Wheel

Grandma and Grandpa gave Son #1 a big wheel for his birthday.  Son #1 loves to ride it in the house, the front yard, and the back yard. 

One wintry afternoon, Son #1 and Son #2 took the tricycle and big wheel into the back yard to race.  Son #1 zoomed back and forth across the yard.  Son #2 used his tip toes to slowly ease the tricycle onto the grass.  Shouts and shrieks of joy floated into the house.  From time to time, I peeked out the window to make sure Son #2 was not eating anything questionable.

Some time passed and then yelling and screaming invaded my peace.  I walked outside to investigate.

"Stop it!  Quit pushing me!"  Son #1 shouted with irritation.

Son #2 squealed and screamed in protest at his older brother.

"Mom, he won't leave me alone."  Son #1 tattled.

Son #2 was determined to push the big wheel around the yard with Son #1 in it.  I analyzed the situation and then suggested.  "Hmm.  That actually looks like fun.  You should let your little brother push you around and get a free ride."

Son #1 thought about my suggestion for a moment and then replied with a huge smile on his face.  "Yeah!  That sounds fun!  Alright little baby.  Let's get going!"

Son #2 giggled with delight and pushed him around the yard.  Apparently, Son #2 has the strength of Bam Bam.

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