One afternoon, Son #1 and I sat at the kitchen table working on his homework. The sunlight streamed in through the blinds of the window as the Christmas tree lights twinkled in the living room. I stood up and took my oldest son's lunch box to the kitchen sink. There, I began to rinse out the empty containers.
"Did you like your lunch today?" I asked.
"Yeah!" Son #1 replied as he worked his way through a math assignment.
"Did you eat all your spaghetti?" I questioned him as I began to load the rinsed Tupperware into the dishwasher.
"Oh yeah!" Son #1 smiled. "It was really good."
"Oh good." I said. "Did you eat your orange?"
"Yes Mom." Son #1 answered seriously.
"What about your broccoli?" I asked. Broccoli is Son #1's favorite vegetable. He can eat it like candy.
"Oh yeah! It was delicious!" Son #1 exclaimed. Then, he added. "Do you know what my friend said at lunch?"
"No. What did he say?" I responded.
"My friend said that he doesn't like broccoli." Son #1 reported, shocked that anyone would feel that way.
"Your friend doesn't know what he's missing. Broccoli is awesome." I assured my oldest son.
"Yeah!" Son #1 cried. "Do you know what else he said?"
"No." I answered. "Tell me."
"He said that broccoli makes him bomit." Son #1 looked at me with a grin.
"Huh?" I squinted my eyes and made a face. "What is bomit?"
"You know." Son #1 explained. "Like throw up."
"Oh! You mean vomit. V-v-v-vomit." I laughed.
"No. My friend said bomit with a B." Son #1 replied in a business like manner.
"Are you sure?" I asked trying to conceal a smirk.
"Yes Mom." Son #1 said as he continued on with his homework.
"I think your friend might be mispronouncing the word." I countered.
Eventually, I did convince my oldest son that vomit was spelled with a V and not a B. However, I had to prove it to him by pulling up an online dictionary and having him confirm the spelling with my husband.
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